【まとめて買うととってもお得!!】 通常10,890円(税込) →9,800円(税込)+送料無料! ※即納可能 1/ラッシュガード ■price: ¥5,300+tax ■Size: 95/105 ■Quality: polyester(ポリエステル)85% polyurethane(ポリウレタン)15% ■Function: 紫外線遮断率99%以上 (UVcut UPF50+) 吸水速乾性 (Water-absorbing quick dry) 2019SSスタートのキッズライン【mini-mh】(ミニマカホー)。
This is our new brand for kids named "Mini-mh (mini maka-hou)" started in 2019 SS. The theme is "Matchy outfis with mom". The rash guard wih zip on the front is very easy to change. Kids love to wear same outfit with their moms or friends. It prevents kid's skin from UV. We also have the same design of bikini and leggings for you to enjoy outfits. 2/スイム&ヨガレギンスパンツ ■price: ¥4,600+tax ■Size: 95/105 ■Quality: polyester(ポリエステル)85% polyurethane(ポリウレタン)15% ■Function: 紫外線遮断率99%以上 (UVcut UPF50+) 吸水速乾性 (Water-absorbing quick dry) 2019SSスタートのキッズライン【mini-mh】(ミニマカホー)。
This is our new brand for kids named "Mini-mh (mini maka-hou)" started in 2019 SS. The theme is "Matchy outfis with mom". The rash guard wih zip on the front is very easy to change. Kids love to wear same outfit with their moms or friends. It prevents kid's skin from UV. We also have the same design of bikini and rashguard for you to enjoy outfits. □Size Chart (単位:〓) 【95】 身長(height)90〜100 胸囲(chest)49〜55 胴囲(Waist)45〜53 【105】 身長(height)100〜110 胸囲(chest)53〜59 胴囲(Waist)47〜55 ※上記サイズは、「ヌード寸法適応表」であり、商品の仕上がり寸法ではございません。
※This is a nude size of the guide. ※This is a reference value. It may vary depending on the product. ●メーカー希望小売価格はメーカーサイトに基づいて掲載しています ●モニター発色の具合により色合いが異なる場合がございます。