【商品名】レゴ Castle Set #852293 GIANT Chess Set 【カテゴリー】ホビー:ブロック【商品説明】The ultimate LEGO? chess set! There's never been a chess set like this one before! Now you can build the biggest and best LEGO chess board of all time, covered in incredible LEGO Castle details and complete with a dungeon, armory, and decorative dragon heads...and that's just the board itself! Pieces include king, queen, good and evil wizards, witch, knights, dwarves, trolls, skeleton warriors and horses, castle turrets, rolling siege towers, and more. It's the ultimate LEGO set for any chess player, collector, or LEGO Castle fan!Lego Castle Set #852293 GIANT Chess Set 

ショップ ワールドセレクトショップ
税込価格 330,660円